16 June 2008

Giverny - Monet Gardens and House

Being a perfect tourists while in France I took the opportunity to go to Giverny to visit Monet gardens and house, it had been on my to do list for a long time and what better time than spring to go there! So off we went, what a wonder, everywhere you look there is one beautiful sight after another, as you can imagine my camera got quite some use on that visit, it was hot at the end of the day!
Here is a very small sample.
Enjoy and I wish you to discover this enchanting and inspiring place some day.

Yours truly :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Anne!
    Your pictures are lovely and I've enjoyed visiting your site :) It was great to meet you last week at the food handler's class and I'd love to chat more about your time in Cork and your cooking. Maybe we could get together and do some cooking! Good luck with your pursuits as a personal chef. I'll keep you posted if I hear of anything. Cheers,
