When looking for gluten free breads it seems there is always eggs and milk added, to me these ingredients mean making a cake not a bread, so I decided to try creating a new GF bread without eggs or dairy and the final product turned out really nice and tasty, like real gluten bread. The bread got eaten before I had time to take a picture!
Gluten free, dairy free, egg free bread
15 gr Flax seed grounded to a fine flour (it is better than buying it already grounded)
30 gr Brown rice flour
150 gr White rice flour
20 gr Millet flour
20 gr Sorghum flour
20 gr Quinoa flour
40 gr Buckwheat flour (Sarasin)
35 gr Potato starch
20 gr Coconut flour
53 gr Tapioca flour
30 gr Brown rice flour
150 gr White rice flour
20 gr Millet flour
20 gr Sorghum flour
20 gr Quinoa flour
40 gr Buckwheat flour (Sarasin)
35 gr Potato starch
20 gr Coconut flour
53 gr Tapioca flour
½ tsp /2gr Xanthan gum
1.5 tsp Salt
460 ml Tepid water
3 tsp Active dry yeast
1 tsp Maple syrup (to activate yeast)
1 tsp Maple syrup (to activate yeast)
Place all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl except yeast.
Place all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl except yeast.
Mix water, yeast and maple syrup and let it rest for 5mn (it will start bubbling)
Pour liquid over dry ingredients and mix with paddle attachment for 5mn on speed 1, scraping the sides of the bowl at least once. You will obtain a batter like dough.
Pour in a silicone mould.
Let rise covered with a cotton/linen cloth for approx. 1h until it reaches the top of the mould
Bake in pre-heated oven at 350 for 45mn at least (check for hollow sound and lighter weight)
Let rise covered with a cotton/linen cloth for approx. 1h until it reaches the top of the mould
Bake in pre-heated oven at 350 for 45mn at least (check for hollow sound and lighter weight)
This bread is quite moist thus won't keep very long, it will freeze well already sliced for ease of use and toaster readiness.
Tip all flours can be substituted for other GF ones, however it is important to keep the Tapioca and Xanthan gum, they compensate for the lack of gluten.